My bout with suicidal ideation, mentioned above, was helped when I, literally, chose to live. I, again, literally, picked myself up off the floor. I called a dear friend. I asked him to ride with me to the psychiatrist the next day. I called the Medical School, got an evaluation over the phone, and set the appointment. The next day my friend and I were on our way. I got in to the psychiatrist and got medication. Just connecting with my friend helped me get through the night okay, and the doctor provided needed help, also.
Admitting that you, a Christian, need help emotionally is okay. To admit the need is an act of honesty and humbleness. Getting help you need, professional or otherwise, is not against prayer, but part of your taking responsibility to cooperate with Grace.
So, Paul gives three ideas for dealing with discouragement: power, presence, renewal. If we are not experiencing these realities consistently, we need to take the steps necessary to become healthier physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Recall, great Christians have reminded us that it is normal for Christians growing in Christ to go through dark nights, when God seems absent and feelings of devotion cannot be found. Yet, they teach this darkness is a healing inwardly.
This leads to a warning. There is a difference between mere discouragement and depressive symptoms and a spiritual dark night. A secular doctor or counselor might not notice a dark night and seek to treat only symptoms. Yet, often, depressive feelings or feelings of emptiness signify the cleaning out of the old and the birthing of the new.
Even even when a person needs professional help, seeking a spiritual director can be wise. The spiritual director will be a committed Christian. He or she does not offer counseling, but assistance in your finding out what God is doing in your life. The person will help you enact the changes in your life that will be cooperating with the Spirit for the growth and changes you need to become a more whole child of God.
In emotionally difficult times, keep doing things that are positive for you. Writing is a passion of mine, and I can often get a flow of positive energy and blessing by it. I, likewise, enjoy bicycling, reading, watching good movies, and visiting church members. These I need to keep doing, even when I am struggling emotionally.
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